Multimedia examples for the 3rd edition of

Your Voice: An Inside View


Welcome to the examples site for Your Voice: An Inside View, 3rd edition. This website is intended for the exclusive use by people who have purchased and are reading the print edition of Inside View. As such, few captions or explanations are included with the multimedia content. You must refer to the physical book for detailed information about each example. 

Please note:

Chapter 1: Listening

Chapter 2: Sound

Chapter 3: Resonance

Chapter 4: Formants

Chapter 5: Analysis

Chapter 6: Anatomy (there is no supplemental content for this chapter)

Chapter 7: Breathing

Chapter 8: Phonation

Chapter 9: Health

Chapter 10: Registration

Chapter 11: Articulation

Chapter 12: Hearing

Chapter 13: Brain (there is no supplemental content for this chapter)